Saturday 16 August 2014


Six indigent widows in Orlu LGA have received the keys to the two bedroom apartment each built and furnished by the wife of the governor of Imo State, Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha for indigent widows and orphans in the State under the 3rd phase of  She Needs A Roof Programme (SNARP)

Speaking on the occasion, the wife of the governor and initiator of the programme, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha disclosed that she was motivated to provide decent accomodations for indigent widows and orphans in the State because of her passion to give succor to the less priviledged 

She called on Imo women to contribute their quota towards the growth of their communities in particular and the State at large

The chairman IBC governing board, Barr Ifeanyi Olumba described the gesture as a service to humanity and prayed God to grant the wife of the governor more wisdom to pilot the affairs of Imo women

Also speaking, the TC Chairman of Orlu LGA Mr. Eddy Olumba, the former sole administrator of the LGA, Barr Hyacinth Mbachu and the Commissioner in ISIEC, Chief Fabian Okoli thanked the rescue mission government for having the interest of the people at heart

The beneficiaries: Mrs. Patricia Onumagwike from Umuduruaku Obinugwu, Mrs. Harriet Eze from Umuokwara Mgbee,  Mrs. Virginia Mephos from Umuoarajiaku Umuna, Mrs. Cecilia Akalazu from Umuzike and Mrs Ada Osuala from Umubu Umuowa  all in Orlu LGA expressed gratitude to the wife of the governor for her magnanimity and prayed God to continue to strengthen her for her service to humanity

The occasion featured the vdecoration of the beneficiaries with wrappers and empowerment as well as presentation of Nneoma good panels to the wife of the governor


 As Imo first lady continued her tour of the LGAs to commission the 91 houses built and furnished for selected indigent widows and orphans under her She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP) phase 3, three widows in Ezinihite Mbaise LGAs have been given the key to their houses

The wife of the governor, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha while handing ovwer the fully furnished bu ngalow to the indigent widows underscored the need for all in position of authorityto understand that the purpose of their occupying such offices was to provide succor for the masses

She opined that it was imperative that all in priviledges positrion should ask themselves what they can do to positively affect the lives of the less priviledge in society  

Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha declared that her greatest desire was that indigent widows in the State would cry no more and called on all well to do individuals to join in the fight to alleviate poverty in the State for Imo to be better

The T.C. chairman of Ezinihitte Mbaise LGA, Hon. Mrs. Chioma Tycoon Onwumere in her address at the occasion appreciated the giant strides of the Okorocha led administration and lauded the Imo first lady for her life changing programmes describing them as revolutionary and complimentary

She maintained that Ezinihite Mbaise LGA made up of 12 political electoral wards 28 autonomous communities and 136 polling boots had pledged their total support and commitment to the Okorocha administration

Speaking, Dr. Ifeanyi Nwachukwu, the Commissioner for public utilities applauded the rescue mission government describing the numerous achievements asd the first of its kin din Imo State and appreciated the wife of the governor for her SNARP initiative and pledged his total support for it

In his remarks, Hon. Ike Njoku, SSA  to the governor on Finance lauded Gov. Okorocha and his wife for what he described as their transformational works in the lives of Imo citizens

Also speaking, Chief Tycoon and Chief Eugene Ezenwa maintained that the wife of the governor is doing a great job in identifying the very indigent widows and transforming their lives, stressing that it is the grassroot democracy at its best

The benweficiaries: Mrs. Rita Onunekwu from Oboma, Mrs. Cecilia Nwosu from Ofeama Ife and Mrs. Angelina Obasi from Okeohia Amumara all in Ezinihite Mbaise could not hide their joy as they rendered songs of praises to God and thank you to the initiator of the project


The wife of the governor, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha has officially handed over the two bedroom apartment she built and furnished for each of the three indigent widows from Onuimo and Ikeduru LGAs on the third phase of her programme,”She Needs A Roof Project” (SNARP)

The beneficiaries are Mrs. Mercilina Chukwuonye from Umucheke Okwe,  Onuimo LGA, Mrs. Rose Ezeala of Oziri Inyishi and Mrs. Rophina Chinaedozie of Umuomi Ozinumu Uzoagba both in Ikeduru LGA

Handing over the buildings to the beneficiaries the wife of the governor described true governance as the ability to carry everybody along in the scheme of things as well as ability to effect positive changes in the lives of the less priviledge

She used the occasion to thank God for using her to restore hope to the hopeless while admonishing Imo women to be alive to their responsibility of home and nation building

Speaking also on the occasion, the Deputy Governor of Imo State, Prince Eze Madumere  described the governor’s wife as a humanitarian who even before her emergence as the first lady of Imo State had already being giving succor to the less priviledge and pledged sustain support of the SNARP programme

The member for Ikeduru State Constituency, Hon. Samdaddy Anyanwu reaffirmed the people’s confidence in the rescue mission government and thanked the wife of the governor for being passionate to the plight of the less priviledge in society

The Commissioner for Health, Dr. Edward Ihejirika commended the Imo first lady for extending the democracy dividends to the downtrodden while the Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Mr. Chinedu Offor enjoined well meaning Imo people to compliment the efforts of her Excellency Nneoma Nkechi Rochas at improving the lot of the less priviledged people in society

The Transition Committee Chairman, Onuimo LGA Chief Nkeiru Oluehi and her Ikeduru counterpart, Engr. Obinna Nzerem lauded the wife of the governor for achieving within a short period what her predecessors in office could not achieve in twelve years and pledged their continued support to her programmes

The high points of the occasion were the handing over of the keys to the three indigent widow beneficiaries.

The children of the beneficiaries were full of thanks to Her Excellency for solving the accommodation problems facing indigent families


In order to ensure that free education in Imo State is second to none in Nigeria and that education in the State remains the primary concern of the Rescue government, the governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha has flagged off the distribution of free canvas, sandals, stockings and stipend to every pupil and every student in the State

Performing the flag off ceremony at the Owerri City School, Wethral Road, Owelle Rochas Okorocha said education is the right of every child and it must be free for every child to be involved pointing out that there is no alternative to it

The governor used the occasion to launch a programme he called Parents Teachers Child Continuous Assessment Programme (PTCCAP) which will foster a great synergy among government, teachers, students and parents in which parents monitor the progress of their children’s academic/moral performance

Owelle Rochas directed that for the distribution of the free materials and the paying of the stipend, the government representative, parents, mentor, the teacher and the child must be present to make sure that every child gets his or her material and also to give relevance to the collaborative effort as depicted in PTCCAP

His Excellency the governor of Imo State while promising to open hotline for Imo schools to ease communication among teachers and parents further directed in the spirit of PTCCAP that the class teacher will have the phone numbers of the parents of the children in his or her class with which to call them for emergency and also to ascertain the where about of the child while others are in school

Speaking, the Social Welfare of the center and the wife of the governor of Imo State, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha said the whole idea of the ceremony was to prepare the children for leadership of tomorrow because the leadership of today will one day be handed over to future generation

Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha while believing that the way one dresses determines the way one is addressed, said if the children dress properly they will conduct themselves in a manner worthy of good children hence thanked Owelle Rochas Okorocha for this kind gesture on behalf of Imo children

She appealed to parents to make good use of the PTCCAP and to take out time to participate in the Open Day activities of children in their schools and inspect their books and behavior when they are at home in order to ensure good behaviours and morals

The Imo first lady paid glowing tributes to Imo students saying she is proud of them pointing out that they are different as they are always serious with their studies thereby assuring the governor that his efforts on them will not be in vain

In his remarks, the Deputy Governor of Imo State and the Mentor of the Secondary section of the City School Owerri, Prince Eze Madumere while assuring the students of always standing by them in their needs and challenges urged them to be hard working so as to reciprocate the kind gesture of the governor

The Secretary to the Government of Imo State and the mentor of the Primary section of the School, Prof. Anthony Anwuka thanked the governor for the appointment and disclosed to the students that the journey from Primary through Secondary to University and to the labour force though a tough one but can be overcome with determination; hence assured them of his maximum support in their journey

The Transition Committee Chairman of Owerri Municipal described the kind gesture of the governor as affection and a sense of belonging that is unquantifiable and encouraged Imo Students not to disappoint the governor

Earlier in her address, the Team Leader of City School Owerri, Mrs. A O, Nwaimo praised the governor of Imo State for introducing free education at all levels pointing out that it has reduced the pains of parents and guardians in paying children’s School fees

In appreciation, Miss Nwaele Blessing of the City School Owerri thanked the governor for his love for Imo Children in making sure that every child is educated and assured him on behalf of children that they will not let him down and that they will now be more serious with their studies for him to continue to be proud of them

High points of the occasion were the distribution of the free education materials to every child and the payment of the stipend for their upkeep


Those occupying public positions (offices and leadership) have been charged to discharge their duties with utmost responsibility and the understanding that they shall give account of their stewardship at the expiration of their tenure

Imo first lady, Nneoma Nkechi Rocha Okorocha gave the charge at the conclusion of a two-day conference organized by the House on the Rock Church, inc. with the theme, ‘Endless Possibilities”

The governor’s wife reminded Christians that God has called all to use whatever position or office given them in the service of humanity

She expounded on the relevance of women to national development and charged them to take their responsibilities as mothers, wives and leaders seriously

The guest speaker at the occasion, Pastor Fela Durotoye from Lagos, who spoke on the theme of the conference, “Endless Possibilities” noted that endless possibilities is given to people who believe as it is stated in Mk 9:5-23 and pointed out that every individual has inherent potentialities for overcoming impossibilities i.e achieving greatness

Pastor Durotoye stressed that it was expedient for leaders to understand that if they cannot go into office without the purpose of ministering to the needs of the people, otherwise he argued, it would lead to abuse of office

He underscored the need for one to adopt positive values that would make positive impact on others, provide solution to problems and not to be part of the problems and be a role model worthy of emulation among others