Sunday 16 December 2012


After commissioning

In a bid to ensure that each widow living in shanty is given a shelter in the State, the wife of the Imo State governor, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha has completed and furnished two houses she built for indigent widows in Umudumoma Umueleke in Ehime Mbano L.G.A. and Umuorji Umuokwe of Eziawo 1 in Oru West L.G.A.

It was jubilation galore for the people of these two communities in the above mentioned two local government areas as the initiator of the ‘She Needs A Roof Programme’ (SNARP), Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha commissioned the two bedroom apartments she built for the indigent widows who were living in shanties

While commissioning the project, the governor’s wife stressed on the need for wealthy people to appreciate God by assisting in improving the lives of the less priviledged in society

She said she was motivated by her passion to help the poorest of the poor and advised those who are yet to benefit from the programme to be patient.

The member for Ehime Mbano in the Imo State House of Assembly, Chief Kingsley Dimiaku and his Oru East counterpart, Barr. Greg. Okemili as well as the State Chairman of APGA Prince Marshall Okafor Anyanwu extolled the passion of her Excellency towards improving the lives of the downtrodden in society and pledged the continuous support of the people of the areas.

The Director General Imo Foundation, Barr. Ngozi Njoku, the President of African Initiative for Women, Dr. Chidimma Uwajimogu, former Commissioner for Transport, Barr. Nelson Ezerioha and State APGA women leader, Mrs. Amaka Agbanyeogwu commended Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha for the humanitarian gestures 

The people of these communities in their separate addresses lauded the Owelle led administration saying it is not government of empty promises but a government where things happen 

The beneficiaries, Mrs. Helen Anyanwu and Mrs. Ann Iroegbulem lauded the governor’s wife for opening a new chapter in their lives and prayed God to continue to protect and bless her and her family

Their children were not left out in praising the wife of the governor for this wonderful gesture which they least expected which God in his benevolence has done through Her Excellency, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha

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