Friday 17 May 2013


Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha hands over the building to Mrs Udochukwu Franca

The wife of the governor of Imo State, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha said her passion and plans for the “She Needs A Roof Project’ (SNARP) was for the total eradication of shanty huts in the State

Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha bared her mind at the commissioning of the first phase of the well furnished ultra modern bungalow she built for Mrs. Udochukwu Franca, Mrs. Charity Nwosu and Mrs. Regina Okwara of Umuoma Egwedu Njaba LGA, Abazu Ogwa Mbaitolu LGA and Ikeduru LGA respectively.                        

She expressed her happiness for the buildings and thanked God for using her as an instrument for transforming the lives of the indigent widows who now have shelters over their heads

Her Excellency, Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha used the occasion to call on people to remain steadfast in the Lord and assured them that the Lord who answered the prayers of the beneficiaries of SNARP will surely not forget them in their misery

The members representing Njaba, Mbaitolu and Ikeduru constituencies in the Imo State House of Assembly, Hon. Chino Obioha, Victor Ndunagu and Sam Daddy respectively with the Chairman of the Traditional Council of Chiefs in the State, Eze Samuel Ohiri and Chief Malcom Nlemigbo while thanking her Excellency for her magnanimity supported the SNARP project with their donations

In their respective addresses, the Sole Administrator of Njaba LGA, Hon. Uche Rajis, Mbaitolu LGA, Barr Emma Iheanakwe  and their Ikeduru LGA counterpart poured encomium on the wife of the governor saying it is a dream come true and not some internet projects which some past administrations were noted with.

They prayed God to sustain this goodwill of her Excellency in the total transformation of the State and pledged their continuous support and loyalty to the Rescue Mission government of Owelle Rochas Okrorocha’s administration.

The people of Umuoma Egwedu in Njaba LGA, Abazu Ogwa in Mbaitolu LGA and Ohi in Ikeduru LGA could not hide their joy in thanking the wife of the governor as some beneficiaries of the SNARP emerged from their area and they promised their support and solidarity with the Rescue administration.

For the beneficiaries, Mrs. Udochukwu Franca, Mrs. Charity Nwosu and Mrs. Regina Okwara it was an impossible thing made possible hence they were full of praises and prayers for the wife of the governor.

The occasion that attracted people from different works of life, featured unveiling of the buildings plaque, cutting of the tape for the house commissioning and free will donation in support of the SNARP project in which the initiator vowed that about 270 of such building will be completed in the State before the year ends

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