Tuesday 4 June 2013


The governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha has advised the youths to imbibe the spirit of hard work; prayerfulness and selflessness to enable them achieve greatness in life

Owelle Rochas Okorocha gave this advice to the youths while addressing the mammoth crowd who have come to worship the Lord  at the May 2013 edition of the WODDI prayer summit held at the Ahiajoku Convention center, New Owerri, Imo State

The number one Imo citizen 2013 noted that no government, nation or organization can engage in a successful development without strong and dependable youths

The skilled orator governor in his passion to drive his message home enumerated the qualities of a good leader which includes: God fearing, care for others, courage, sacrifice among others.

He reminded the youths that their destiny lie in their hands as their attitude determines their future and urged them not engage in social vices such as kidnapping, armed robbery, cultism, indecent dressing prostitution among others.

In her opening remarks, the initiator of the prayer project  and wife of the governor of Imo State, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha while dwelling on the theme of the day, ‘Emerging Leaders’ enjoined Imo youths to use their youthful age to serve God truthfully and honestly for them to emerge as effective leaders of tomorrow

Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha stressed the need to pay special attention to the issues concerning youths while urging them to not to allow peer group influence, greed and selfishness to distract them

She disclosed that the essence of devoting this edition of the WODDI prayer summit to youth was to present them to the Lord who is their creator for His blessings on them so that their good plans for the future will not fall short

In a thought provoking speech, the guest speaker - a seasoned scholar, Preacher man Emmanuel Ehimika made the youths to understand that they were created for a purpose and advised them to direct their youthful energy towards pursuing that purpose

Speaking about the unity of Christian Churches, the preacher man noted that unless Christians, no matter their denominations come together, the power in the Church will be ineffective hence he called for a revolution in the Church for all to be one as there is one faith, one baptism and one Lord Jesus

The occasion featured intercessory prayers, songs of praise and worship as well as entertainment by Samsung, Frank Edwards among others 

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